For Umpires...
Teams are required to provide qualified umpires for their own games during the season. The level of qualification depends on the grade of the game:
A Grade/A Res - National badged umpire or an experienced umpire working towards a National C badge.
Div 1 / Div 2/ Div 3/ Div 4 - Recommended as per A Grade/A Res, but at least meets intermediate requirements .
Intermediate 1 and below - Introduction to Umpiring Clinic, Level 1 Theory Exam (pass) and a Level 1 Umpiring Course is recommended
11- 13 years divisions - Introduction to Umpiring Clinic and Level 1 Theory Exam (pass)
Kenmore will continue its whole of club umpiring roster system. Payment of the umpiring levy (included in registration fee) will be required at the start of the season. The club will use this levy to pay our qualified umpires throughout the season.
If you wish to umpire for the club this season, contact the committee and they can assist you with information about courses that you can do to become suitably qualified.
Level 1 Theory Exam
You can take the online Level 1 Theory Exam at any time via Netball Australia's learning portal. Once you successfully complete the exam, please advise the Umpiring Coordinator that you have passed so we can update our records.
Introduction to Umpiring Clinic
If you would like to attend one of these clinics please contact the committee.